Raymond Sukhdeo
Postdoctoral Scholar, University of California Los Angeles
Research Interests
- Large-scale meteorological patterns associated with extreme weather
Email: rsukhdeo@ucdavis.edu
David Marsico
Research Scientist, NOAA CIRES
Research Interests
- Atmosphere-ocean-land coupling
- Regridding methods
Email: dhmarsico@ucdavis.edu
Weiran Liu (刘蔚然)
Postdoctoral Scholar
Research Interests
- High resolution climate modeling
- Weather forecast based analysis
Email: wraliu@ucdavis.edu
Shiheng Duan (段事恒)
Postdoctoral Scholar, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Research Interests
- Machine learning techniques for weather and climate prediction
Email: shiduan@ucdavis.edu
Zeyu Xue (薛泽宇)
Postdoctoral Scholar, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Research Interests
- Drivers and hydrologic impacts of drought
Email: zyxue@ucdavis.edu
Dr. Beth McClenny
Analyst, Eagle Rock Analytics
Research Interests
- Atmospheric rivers and extreme precipitation
- Changes in extreme weather under climate change
Email: eelliott@ucdavis.edu
Dr. Lele Shu (舒乐乐)
Associate Professor, NIEER CAS, LPCC CAS
Research Interests
- Hydroclimate system modeling
- Statistical and dynamical downscaling
Email: lele.shu@gmail.com
Dr. Marielle Pinheiro
Data Analyst/Manager, California Water Resources Control Board
Research Interests
- Algorithmic detection of atmospheric blocking events and heat waves
- Extreme weather events
- Human-induced climate change detection and attribution
Email: Marielle.Pinheiro@Waterboards.ca.gov
Dr. Jorge Guerra
Physical Scientist, NOAA
Research Interests
Email: jorge.guerra@noaa.gov
Dr. Meina Wang (王美娜)
Research Scientist, Microsoft Corporation
Research Interests
- Wind and wind power
- Human-induced regional climate change
- Downscaling local climate change
Email: mnawang@ucdavis.edu
Dr. Alan Rhoades
Research Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Research Interests
- Mountain snowpack
- Effects of regional climate change on snowpack and water availability
- Variable resolution climate modeling
Email: arhoades@lbl.gov
Dr. Xingying Huang (黄兴英)
Project Scientist, National Center for Atmospheric Research
Research Interests
- Human-induced climate change detection and attribution
- Effect of extreme weather on climate and agriculture in California
- Remote sensing and geographical information systems
Email: xyhuang@ucar.edu
Josephine Fong
Air Quality Technician, Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Research Interests
Email: jgyfong@ucdavis.edu